Thursday, May 29, 2008

My new toy & a couple of my little boys

Nate making a funny face underwater for me. He said I made the spa too hot to open his eyes. The pool is just way to cold for me to get in.

4 of my pretty birthday toes underwater. Hopefully I'll get better with my skills.

Baby Al kickin back and of course making faces. Why can't they ever just smile?


  1. So, I wonder what YOU did today? ::giggle::

  2. cool toy! The pool is too cold for me too. Love the hot tub!

  3. Look at you blogging girl!! That sounds like a sweet new toy, takes underwater too, very nice!

  4. Ok totally jealous of the camera. Does it do video underwater too?! Back in the day I used to teach swim lessons and we had a video boy that took under water video of the lesson and sale it to the parents.... priceless to see your kid swim from a fish eye view! Kids do the funniest things when they're swimmin.

  5. That's what summer is made of! I love your new toy! How cool is that? Will definitely get one before we go back to the islands.

  6. I want that phone for Robert for Father's day. I just have to find out if his work will let him up grade phones. I'll get back to you! Amy

  7. Love the camera I would love to have one but in all honestly I can't remember the last time I swam so don't know how much use I would get out of it. I sure hope things work out and we can see you in a couple of weeks. I think my son would love to hang with a bunch of boys instead of his 3 sisters for a change.

  8. The underwater pics are cool. You will have to take some of swim lessons and post them also.

  9. The underwater pics are cool. You will have to take some of swim lessons and post them also.

  10. Cool new camera-I need to start shopping for a new one! And you upgraded your old, big phone?

    You have me so hooked on your blog-I need to set me up one:)

    Love and miss you!
