Friday, May 9, 2008

OK....I take it all back

So I did get a set of handprints already.................................

but I also got a really awesome bracelet and a beautiful tissue paper flower.

I went to Nate's school for a Mother's Day Tea Party. It turned out to be a great lunch and pink lemonade, all with the cutest boy ever (and his girlfriend). It made me eat my words from my earlier post and I had a great time. The kids all sat on their moms lap and their teacher read I Love you Forever. It was wonderful. It made me slightly teary and very grateful I get to be these dirty boys mom. Forever.


  1. I will attest to that bracelet being hawt. I saw it firsthand. You remember to wear it all week AND on Sunday.

  2. Hey your my Friend now! I know you feel like you've finally made it!

  3. I have several coffee filter flowers too. Kids really do make this day so special. Kessa has been bringing me things all week that she made just for me.

  4. I got a similar poem from Lindsi this week. I started thinking about all the hand and foot prints all over my house. It's scary! Hope you have a great Mom's day!

    P.S. We have the same song on our blogs, different artists, though.

  5. Love the blog! I was glad to HEAR that you like American Idol too! Love the mother's day gifts. Very Nice!

  6. Sara, you've got yourself some pretty cute little guys!! You know I'm a fan of boys, as I've got two of my own!! I was surfing the blogs and ran across yours'- pretty cute stuff.

  7. Which tiny one is the guitar player? Isn't it adorable/hysterical all at once?

  8. What? Little Nate has a girlfriend? I'd better not tell Madi. Hey, leave one of those boys for my girls. We need to be related!!!

  9. Anotehr cute moment! You have me hooked on your site. I guess I need to get one of my own!

    One of my favorit books I Love you Forever!
