Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ben is Student of the Month!

Ben was finally the Student of the Month at school today! He has been waiting all year for this. The teacher said the nicest things about him:

Ben is a model student in first grade.

He is a terrific reader and loves to do AR.

He is quite a mathematician and is our "Mickey Math King".

His work is done with great effort and pride.

Because Ben is a good listener, he can always be found following directions and doing his job.

Ben is kind and helpful, so everyone loves Ben.

Nate took some great pictures during the assembly.

I was impressed and so happy at the great things his teacher had to say about Ben. So I was of course shocked when Rob was tucking him in and screamed my name. He met me in the hall and said, "OK don't laugh, but you have to check this out!" Then I go into the bedroom and Rob shows me above Benny's top bunk where he has a nice, large collection of BOOGERS! The perfect one, the one that was just honored today for his great ability to follow directions and be a model, has a slimy booger collection on the wall above his bed! When I asked him what? Why? He said to me, "What? It's the perfect place!"

I had to leave, first to get him the container of cleaning wipes, and then of course to laugh my butt-off! Sick-o that I love so much. At least he doesn't eat 'em!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

One week old!

Alexander is so happy. I don't know if it's because I am finally home or because his sister is finally home! He loves her very much, and isn't jealous or acting out at all. He's a sweet boy.
Today we had to check Sophie's jaundice level again and it was finally ok.

I love to change her outfits and take too many pictures. Also, call me crazy but she smiled at me over and over when we were having big conversations today. She knows I love her!

We have been so blessed to have so many caring friends bring so many meals and treats. The Kinslow's made this huge chocolate chip cookie, and man was it good and so cute!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Dana and Kim have been dying to meet baby Sophie. They were the first ones to come over on Tuesday and check her out!

They were happy to change a diaper and make sure she really is a girl! It is hard to believe after so many boys--they should know!

Then, our next door neighbors, Kim and Abby Trovato came to meet her too!

Abby has lots of plans to teach her things!
Today I took Sophie to her Pediatrician for a visit and jaundice check. It has gone up slightly, but not in a dangerous zone. The doctor was concerned that her hip sockets felt loose, so this afternoon, I spent 3 hours waiting to have a ultrasound of her hips. They are fine. I knew they were but I had to do what the doc said! I am sick of doctors, tests, and seeing my new baby cry having tests done!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Day 6

By Monday, the course of antibiotics was complete, the ultrasound of her overly large soft spot came back ok, she was doing well on increased feedings and her Bili count was in the normal range. Dr. Patel, the Neonatalogist thought she should spend another day or so to be watched, but the best nurse ever spoke up. She basically told him the mother of 6 was probably pretty comfortable watching the jaundice and I knew how to feed a baby. Nurse Tanya rocks! He said she could leave at 6 if her blood sugar was fine.

And it was--we got out of there! YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Day 5

Today is Sunday. The Graff's were nice enough to drag some extra boys to church, and I went to rock all day again. Sophie's awesome nurse worked on weaning her off the oxygen, and even helped to talk the Dr. into discharging her the next day if her tests came back ok all day. In the morning we took her out from the light for good, and I got to dress her for the first time. We had her hospital pictures taken, and I got to hold her all day.

This is one proud Daddy. In the afternoon, Rob brought all the boys to take a peek through the glass. They were dying to see her, and were having a hard time understanding why they couldn't come in, and why she had an IV in her small hand.

They were doing lots of pushing and shoving to get a good look, but here they don't look too mean!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 4

It is Saturday, and she is still under the lights, but her breathing is improving. Her bowels have completely work themselves out and her bilirubin count is improving. Today the neonatalogist is concered that her softspot is overlarge. They do an ultrasound to check on it. I have a fabulous nurse for her, Tanya. She is very helpful and also lets me mother her. I got to give the bottles, change the diapers and hold her a couple times.

The nurse even put this cute bow in her hair. Red at my request (I still can't love pink, I'm sure that will come in time!)

I caught her smiling. She's glad I'm holding her I think!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 3

On Friday when I got to the hospital, I found Sophie under the lights. Now on top of the other things they were watching, she was developing jaundice. All the boys had it to some severity, so it was no surprise, and I had notice her looking quite yellow the night before. This day I finally had a very sweet nurse for her. About halfway through the day of me sitting and staring at her in the rocking chair, she asked, "don't you think you should hold her?" I of course screamed, "Yes! Of course I do!" So, she gave her a short break from the lights, and made me the happiest mom ever with a quick little hold. Man that felt good! This day she was very irritated and sick acting. My poor baby. But nothing compared to the 25 weeker across the room. I am so blessed!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 2

This was a tough day. Sophie had a nurse that did not want to me to touch her or talk to her. She thought it made her work too hard and it raised her respiratory rate and heart rate. This was so hard for me since I had waited so long to have her. She keep waving her arms and seemed so uncomfortable so I talked her into placing her on her stomach to at least help her feel secure. My poor baby. At this point, the doctor was telling me a week or two at least. They thought she had an infection, her bowels were filled with air, and looped. By the end of the day she finally passed some miconium and that made us less worried about her bowels and more hopeful they would work themselves out. I went home at around 9pm that night, very sad to have empty arms. Before I left, I stuck a bow in her hair that I made, when the mean nurse wasn't looking. I just wanted to make sure she looked girly!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Breathing Problems Day 1

Right after the boys came to meet their sister, when she was a bout 2 hours old, I noticed she was really starting to have a hard time breathing and making lots of grunting noises. I called the nurse in and at first she thought she was fine. Then I insisted she was not and they took her to be checked out. When I went to see her, it was so sad to see all the pokes and tubes. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, and she looked sad. I felt bad for sending her off, but I knew she didn't seem right. I went back to my room alone, and Rob went home to take care of the business and the boys. I was so sad.

Sophie meets her brothers!

After school, when baby was about 1 1/2 hours new, the boys came with Popa to meet their long awaited baby sister. It was sports day at school, so they were all decked out to meet her. The poor things obviously didn't have their mom around to comb their overgrown hair--oh well I don't think the baby noticed!

They're happy now!

Sophia Ann Seaney 5"3' 18" 1:27pm

Dr. Klis is really the best! I have gone through the OB's in all my pregnancies, but nobody is quite like him. He didn't think I was ever going to deliver and was ready to do a c-section so he could go home, but I proved him wrong! He had been at the hospital since the morning before just like me and was ready to go home.

She was awfully coated in vernix, but I didn't care--I thought she was still the sweetest thing I had ever laid my eyes on! I couldn't believe how tiny she was!

Baby Sophie all cleaned up, ready to check out the lady with the big voice she'd been hearing for so long!
I had told Big Daddy his only job was to video. I realized after 15 minutes or so, he never even picked up the camera. I think he was still in shock or awe or something! By the way, I took all the pictures, gross birth shots and all (I like to be in control just a little bit!)

Getting ready for footprints in the baby book with Boo-Boo.

Welcome to the world baby Sophie!!!