This is what we do when we are bored! We both had our laptops for entertainment. Lots a facebook, a little shopping, and lots of reading!
I made him smile, because I told him he looks like he's sniffing something horrible all the time!
Super dad. After a couple hours, the Internet went down at the store, so Rob had to go try to resolve the problem and was gone until that night. Luckily for me, my mom came to stare at me around noon.
On a little side note, just a crazy story from the day I want to remember. Dana picked Nate up from Kindergarten and brought him home. She was supposed to bring to him to our house at 3:30 where my dad would be waiting. Around 3 all the kids were playing out front at the Tenney's and after awhile, they noticed Nate was missing. Around 3:40 I get a call at the hospital from a frantic Dana saying she can't find Nate anywhere. She asked if I thought Nate would walk home or if my Dad might have picked him up. I didn't think so. He's 5. So I called our house and Zach said he had been there since about 3:30. He really walked home! He said he knew he was supposed to be home at 3:30 and Dana just wasn't taking him! He ran into Hannah Smith on the way home and just kept going. He is one determined, stubborn little boy!
The doctor came and broke my water sometime in the evening, but that did nothing to speed up the process. During the night, around 1am, the babe started showing some signs of distress, so they rushed in, threw oxygen on me, filled my uterus with water, gave me a shot of turbudeline in my arm to stop the contractions, and turned off the Pitocin. They let me sleep until 4am then they started the Pitocin again. It got pretty uncomfortable but not much change. I hung out at a 3-4 until I gave into an Epidural hoping it would make me relax. Once I did that, I finally progressed and was ready to have her in an hour. I have done that every time. I get uptight until I give in to the good stuff- go Epidurals! The doctor said he'd be back to do a c-sect in a couple hours, at 11:30pm, but within an hour they had call him back. He didn't believe it!

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