Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Dana and Kim have been dying to meet baby Sophie. They were the first ones to come over on Tuesday and check her out!

They were happy to change a diaper and make sure she really is a girl! It is hard to believe after so many boys--they should know!

Then, our next door neighbors, Kim and Abby Trovato came to meet her too!

Abby has lots of plans to teach her things!
Today I took Sophie to her Pediatrician for a visit and jaundice check. It has gone up slightly, but not in a dangerous zone. The doctor was concerned that her hip sockets felt loose, so this afternoon, I spent 3 hours waiting to have a ultrasound of her hips. They are fine. I knew they were but I had to do what the doc said! I am sick of doctors, tests, and seeing my new baby cry having tests done!


  1. Sara, Just finished reading all the blogs and I loved them. Thanks so much for sharing. She is absolutely beautiful!! Hope you're all doing well and getting some rest. (never mind--that's not possible)

  2. Boy you have been busy blogging. I haven't looked for awhile. She is beautiful and perfect!!! I am so happy you had a little girl. She will compliment your family beautifully and be LOVED by her big brothers. I just feel sorry for her future boyfriends!!!
