Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sophia Ann Seaney 5"3' 18" 1:27pm

Dr. Klis is really the best! I have gone through the OB's in all my pregnancies, but nobody is quite like him. He didn't think I was ever going to deliver and was ready to do a c-section so he could go home, but I proved him wrong! He had been at the hospital since the morning before just like me and was ready to go home.

She was awfully coated in vernix, but I didn't care--I thought she was still the sweetest thing I had ever laid my eyes on! I couldn't believe how tiny she was!

Baby Sophie all cleaned up, ready to check out the lady with the big voice she'd been hearing for so long!
I had told Big Daddy his only job was to video. I realized after 15 minutes or so, he never even picked up the camera. I think he was still in shock or awe or something! By the way, I took all the pictures, gross birth shots and all (I like to be in control just a little bit!)

Getting ready for footprints in the baby book with Boo-Boo.

Welcome to the world baby Sophie!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray!! I'd heard things here and there and was hoping you were finally home and happy and back to "normal". Anyway, I'd love to stop by this week with a Dewars milkshake in hand. You prefer almonds in your shake or not?
