Dr. Klis is really the best! I have gone through the OB's in all my pregnancies, but nobody is quite like him. He didn't think I was ever going to deliver and was ready to do a c-section so he could go home, but I proved him wrong! He had been at the hospital since the morning before just like me and was ready to go home.
She was awfully coated in vernix, but I didn't care--I thought she was still the sweetest thing I had ever laid my eyes on! I couldn't believe how tiny she was!
Baby Sophie all cleaned up, ready to check out the lady with the big voice she'd been hearing for so long!
I had told Big Daddy his only job was to video. I realized after 15 minutes or so, he never even picked up the camera. I think he was still in shock or awe or something! By the way, I took all the pictures, gross birth shots and all (I like to be in control just a little bit!)
Hooray!! I'd heard things here and there and was hoping you were finally home and happy and back to "normal". Anyway, I'd love to stop by this week with a Dewars milkshake in hand. You prefer almonds in your shake or not?