Ben was finally the Student of the Month at school today! He has been waiting all year for this. The teacher said the nicest things about him:
Ben is a model student in first grade.
He is a terrific reader and loves to do AR.
He is quite a mathematician and is our "Mickey Math King".
His work is done with great effort and pride.
Because Ben is a good listener, he can always be found following directions and doing his job.
Ben is kind and helpful, so everyone loves Ben.
Nate took some great pictures during the assembly.
I was impressed and so happy at the great things his teacher had to say about Ben. So I was of course shocked when Rob was tucking him in and screamed my name. He met me in the hall and said, "OK don't laugh, but you have to check this out!" Then I go into the bedroom and Rob shows me above Benny's top bunk where he has a nice, large collection of BOOGERS! The perfect one, the one that was just honored today for his great ability to follow directions and be a model, has a slimy booger collection on the wall above his bed! When I asked him what? Why? He said to me, "What? It's the perfect place!"
I had to leave, first to get him the container of cleaning wipes, and then of course to laugh my butt-off! Sick-o that I love so much. At least he doesn't eat 'em!