ALL THAT HAS CHANGED. Meet the INSTINCT. It does everything but wipe noses, butts do laundry and make dinner as far as I'm concerned. I absolutley love this bad baby. Full internet--were not talking minimized pages here only from the network, but full color interactive pages at high speed. Live TV. Let me tell you how cool this was when Al wouldn't sit through Church last week. Little Einsteins saved the day. He might have screamed and raised his hands, "Rocket we need you!" a couple of times but I never had to get up and go out of the chapel. Besides he just looked like he was excited and seriously feeling the Spirit or sustaining someone.
Last week we had a baseball tournament down south and the navigation program (who's voice we named Raspusha-after watching Norbitt the night before(stuipdest movie ever by the way-that no kids should ever see!) was amazing at getting us to our destination. I love the voice recognition. I just scream at her "Call ROB!!!" and there she goes dialing away!
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