Monday, April 28, 2008


We have been very busy the last couple weeks. Between lots of baseball games, we were lucky to have Rob's sister Jennifer, her husband Bob and kids Garrett and Kayla come visit from Illinois.

We went to Magic Mountain and had a great time. I haven't had the opportunity to ride roller coasters like that since before kids! We took them to our favorite Mexican resturant Johannafina's in Ventura and stayed the night at Inn on the Beach, my favorite quiet spot. The next day, we went to Universal Studios. I was the only one who had ever been (maybe 15 years ago!) so it was fun and new for everyone!

Alexander was so excited to meet 2 of his very favorites at once--DORA and Curious George!

This is Garrett having a great time playing Kinghts and heros with the little boys. He was a great sport to put up with so many little ones!
Kayla was great with Al and it was nice to have some and help with him!
Thanks Bob & Jen for spending your time, energy and funds to have your vacation with us! WE LOVE YOU!


  1. I'm glad we got the opportunity to spend time with you and your family. Wish we could do it more often! We all hated to leave and get back to our crazy, busy lives. Garrett has been working on downloading 600 some pictures, I will try and send some to you.

    -Thanks for posting this great picture of me!

  2. WOW Sarah!!! I can't believe it has been so long. AND your boys look so cute. You have all boys!! I can't wait to read the rest of your posts and see what you have been up to. WELL I know what you have been up to... you have 5 boys!

    Gotta go... 2 year old stuck in the high chair... never a good thing.

  3. Vacations are fun. Glad you get to do them. Remind me to tell you sometime about your neighbor, Kim. She comes to my gym on the regular.

  4. Looks like you had some fun with them there. The knight picture is classic. Check you out girl keeping your blog up dated. I love you we need to play this week if you have time.

  5. I know!! Maybe I'll swing by the fifth and see everyone sometime soon. Singles is getting kindof, like, a singles ward. :)

  6. It was great to hear from you. Crazy what you find on the internet. Makes me wonder if I should be a little scared:) Life in Utah is good. By the end of the winter I'm ready to move to back to Bakersfield. But then we would have to deal with summer there. One of these days maybe I will be rich enough to live in both places.:) That would be the life! Your boys are adorable.
