Monday, November 2, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Happy 4th Birthday Alexander!

Friday, September 4, 2009
Sophia is 6 months old!

My sweet little crybaby is 6 months old today. It has been a very action packed half a year around here for sure. My life most definitely feels full. Nothing is missing.

This month, Sophie has started eating baby food in addition to all the bread, tortillas, rice, Cheerios and other things she has been gumming for awhile! She chews like she has a mouthful of teeth, but really she just cut her first bottom right tooth today. The next one is almost through. She really likes squash, sweet potatoes, peas and bananas and is not the biggest fan of rice cereal. I wonder how she feels about all the cute blue bibs I put her in? She gets very excited while she eats--crazy girl!

Sophie continues to be very temperamental. She is so smiley and happy and then watch out! She has been saying ma, ma-ma and is beginning to wave as she says, "HHHHIIIIIII!". Everyone around here adores her. She has started to reach out to be picked up and is scooting all over the floor. She gets up with her booty in the air and rocks back and forth. She is very loud and is singing all the time. She loves to play with toys and her little dolly. She has figured out how to turn the music on in her crib and pulled herself up on the side rail a couple days ago. She loves to hangout with Alexander and lights up when Jake comes near her. We love this baby and we are so grateful to have her!
Monday, August 24, 2009
1st day of School!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sophie is 5 months old today!

Friday, July 17, 2009
My Kids

I know Sophia is no longer a month old.
She finally stopped crying as soon as she hit 4 months.
I know I'm 3 months behind on updating.
But I did finally take them to get their picture taken today.
What an adventure!
Please say hi and tell me who you think she looks like. I'm still not sure?

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Sophie is a month old today!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Ben is Student of the Month!
Ben was finally the Student of the Month at school today! He has been waiting all year for this. The teacher said the nicest things about him:
Ben is a model student in first grade.
He is a terrific reader and loves to do AR.
He is quite a mathematician and is our "Mickey Math King".
His work is done with great effort and pride.
Because Ben is a good listener, he can always be found following directions and doing his job.
Ben is kind and helpful, so everyone loves Ben.
Nate took some great pictures during the assembly.
I was impressed and so happy at the great things his teacher had to say about Ben. So I was of course shocked when Rob was tucking him in and screamed my name. He met me in the hall and said, "OK don't laugh, but you have to check this out!" Then I go into the bedroom and Rob shows me above Benny's top bunk where he has a nice, large collection of BOOGERS! The perfect one, the one that was just honored today for his great ability to follow directions and be a model, has a slimy booger collection on the wall above his bed! When I asked him what? Why? He said to me, "What? It's the perfect place!"
I had to leave, first to get him the container of cleaning wipes, and then of course to laugh my butt-off! Sick-o that I love so much. At least he doesn't eat 'em!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
One week old!
Alexander is so happy. I don't know if it's because I am finally home or because his sister is finally home! He loves her very much, and isn't jealous or acting out at all. He's a sweet boy.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Dana and Kim have been dying to meet baby Sophie. They were the first ones to come over on Tuesday and check her out!
They were happy to change a diaper and make sure she really is a girl! It is hard to believe after so many boys--they should know!
Then, our next door neighbors, Kim and Abby Trovato came to meet her too!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Day 6
By Monday, the course of antibiotics was complete, the ultrasound of her overly large soft spot came back ok, she was doing well on increased feedings and her Bili count was in the normal range. Dr. Patel, the Neonatalogist thought she should spend another day or so to be watched, but the best nurse ever spoke up. She basically told him the mother of 6 was probably pretty comfortable watching the jaundice and I knew how to feed a baby. Nurse Tanya rocks! He said she could leave at 6 if her blood sugar was fine.
And it was--we got out of there! YYYYYEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!