Here is our new baby. Well Nate's new baby actually. He named her Bella. No, he hasn't read the Twilight series, he just has a friend with the name and he likes it. One of our friends found her by their mailbox and put fliers up around the neighborhood. They had no luck finding the owner, so they called us because they thought she looks like Ruby and they thought she might need a sister.
Conveinantly, Nate has been saying the only thing that he wants for his birthday (the 12th) is his very own dog. What a great bargain--free present. Not that I need another dog, but there is nothing like making your kids so happy. All week he has been treating her like a baby. He picked out a cute pink collar with a sparkly bow. She is so tiny she fits in the palm of your hand. We are guessing she is a chiweannie or pug combo or something. I think she is so sad and ugly, that it makes her cute.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Last Month of Life part 1
I know I am a month behind. Give me sometime. Maybe a little more tomorrow, it's bedtime now.
We have been busy!!! Poor Baby Al has been trying so hard to keep up with the big boys. He helped himself to a cup of BBQ chips and was watching TV in Ben and Nate's room when he fell asleep with a mouthful. He has been so tired trying to go without naps.

I had a fun visit from my buddy Anna and her baby Kaden. He was so fun to play with and it was great to catch up with her for a few short hours!

I had a fun visit from my buddy Anna and her baby Kaden. He was so fun to play with and it was great to catch up with her for a few short hours!
Ben got to go on his first out-of-town overnight adventure with the Froehlich family. It was their Jake's 6Th birthday so they took a bunch of boys to their cabin to get dirty. He had a great time and I really think he didn't even miss me. Being the morbid mom that I am, I made him take this 'last" picture with his little brothers, just in case something happened.

Coach Rob had his All Star team over for a hit-a-thon and swimming. It was very hot that day -112 or something ridiculous. They had fun trying to get the whole team in a picture underwater!
Right after these pictures were taken Nate decided to jump in the pool on top of the team and fell back hitting his head on the side of the deck. It was gushing blood everywhere. We of course knew where we had to go, but we were hesitant because The Good Doctor's 40Th birthday party was about to begin. I gave him a large dose of Motrin and Rob ran down the street holding a towel on Nathan's head. Luckily Jonathan had his handy-dandy stapler at home and gave him 4 quick staples to the skull without any numbing-up. That Nate is one crazy and tough kid. What would we do without the Graffs! We had a great time celebrating Jonathan's big day with him and a million of their family members. 

They had a great chocolate fountain and as you can see on Alexander it was a big hit with my chocolate lovers. (Why does he always do this strange pose?)

This is part of my cute Sunbeam class. It is fun to teach these little people every Sunday. I think they are darling.

This is part of my cute Sunbeam class. It is fun to teach these little people every Sunday. I think they are darling.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
To my few loyal readers (mainly Jomama and Aunt Jenn)
I know you were hoping to see lots of fun pictures and exciting dialogue, and believe me I have lots of great stuff I just don't have time to post it! The last 3 weeks have been so fun and CRAZY with 3 baseball tournaments, lots of driving, hotels, fireworks and family time!
I leave in the morning for a week of girls camp. No boys until Saturday. Just lots of fresh air, mountains, campfires and crafts with a couple hundred girls everyday. I am excited and also sad to not see my boys everyday. It will be good to miss them a little bit! I hope they remember they love me when I get home. I hope Zach and Rob realize I do things around here. Just a little bit. Off to Big Meadow! Good luck Heather
I leave in the morning for a week of girls camp. No boys until Saturday. Just lots of fresh air, mountains, campfires and crafts with a couple hundred girls everyday. I am excited and also sad to not see my boys everyday. It will be good to miss them a little bit! I hope they remember they love me when I get home. I hope Zach and Rob realize I do things around here. Just a little bit. Off to Big Meadow! Good luck Heather
Saturday, July 5, 2008
One of the many reasons I haven't been posting--I'm in love!!!

ALL THAT HAS CHANGED. Meet the INSTINCT. It does everything but wipe noses, butts do laundry and make dinner as far as I'm concerned. I absolutley love this bad baby. Full internet--were not talking minimized pages here only from the network, but full color interactive pages at high speed. Live TV. Let me tell you how cool this was when Al wouldn't sit through Church last week. Little Einsteins saved the day. He might have screamed and raised his hands, "Rocket we need you!" a couple of times but I never had to get up and go out of the chapel. Besides he just looked like he was excited and seriously feeling the Spirit or sustaining someone.
Last week we had a baseball tournament down south and the navigation program (who's voice we named Raspusha-after watching Norbitt the night before(stuipdest movie ever by the way-that no kids should ever see!) was amazing at getting us to our destination. I love the voice recognition. I just scream at her "Call ROB!!!" and there she goes dialing away!
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