Sunday, October 5, 2008

I love attending church in bed

There is nothing like watching Conference from the comfort of bed! I love laying in my pj's and listening to the prophet and singing along to the hymns. No shirts to (have Rob) iron, shoes to find or lessons to prepare. Is twice a year enough???


  1. I totally agree. I come to you from my jammies too. I plan a nap in about an hour.

  2. in my jams too - and I'm thinking quarterly conference would help me hold on to that iron rod a little tighter huh ?

  3. Church in PJ's is great isn't it? We thoroughly enjoyed it this weekend!

  4. I got breakfast in bed while I watched in PJ's as well. (The breakfast was a birthday gift from the kids and Rob, oh and Kellie)
    I actually missed church. I love going to YW now.

  5. I did watch in my pj's this morning, too. But Isaac was up by 7:00, so we ate before everyone else. But not having to "hustle" everyone out the door . . . it's a beautiful thing!
