Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

I sure hope she doesn't hate me for this!


  1. That wig is killing me!!! Too cute.

  2. I love the family-themed halloween costumes!

  3. What a beauty! She looks like a little doll.

  4. I'm loving that costume with the wig! She won't hate you, but she already looks like she's 2. So don't be surprised when she's 12 and looks 17 :)

  5. Hilarious costumes. Too, too cute.

  6. All the kids look fantastic. She could be the cutest thing ever.

  7. You totally crack me up. How is that punching bag working out? I think that a punching bag is going to go on my list of things I need. Thank you for all the great comments, that make me smile and laugh. My mom is doing great. I guess I should have mentioned that she has passed the five year mark. She actually was diagnosed while we still lived in Bakersfield. Life has moved on and she tells me that you two live in the same neighborhood now. Very nice. Have a great Monday.
