This turkey is pretty funny, as far as turkeys go I suppose. He comes when my dad calls him and rubs all over his legs like a dog to be loved on. Sick. I am not a lover of this turkey, My dad cracks me up. I asked him to bring him for the big Kindergarten party day. So he loaded him up in the big dog crate and put him out on the playground. The kids loved it! Then Benny's 1st grade class and Jake's 5th grade class came over too. Zach's teacher isn't cool enough to do things like that--whatever.

What a great Popa my kids have. I know it took a lot out of his day to do this. He even had a little chart and taught the kids all the different parts of the big bird.

After that excitement all the cool moms prepared a feast for all of the Kindergartners in the cafeteria. I love my little pilgrim.

Next, I went over to 5th grade to do another feast. Lucky kids. Then I ran home to start preparing the real feast for the next day at our house. I wonder how many kids decided not to eat turkey after lovin on Popa's bird?
One more thing I want to remember:
I was telling Zach and Jake that their cool Popa was bringing in Thanksgiving to show the Kindergarten class. I said that Mrs. Joseph (Nate's teacher and our neighbor) had never even seen a real turkey. Then Jake asked,"Oh is she a vegetarian?" I laughed until my side hurt. Jake often has the funniest, blondest, most innocent things to say. Sweet tiny boy.